CMPS 1200 Computer Skills (3 units)
This course covers computer skills essential to
success at a university. Specific applications include the
Microsoft Office Suite of tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. The
course material is based on Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010.
Prerequisite: none.
3 semester units. 3 units lecture.
Service course for School of Business and Liberal Studies Department
No required text - all material is online.
Donna Meyers
This course covers the following student learning outcomes for
basic computer skills:
o Word processing
o Spreadsheets
o Presentations
o Database Management Systems
o Creating a Webpage
This course maps to the following performance indicators for
Computer Literacy:
- Ability to use a word processor at an intermediate level
- Create a document using spell-check, find and replace,
tabs, outlines, footnotes, columns
and graphics
- Ability to analyze a problem and produce a spreadsheet
with corresponding charts
- Create a spreadsheet that incorporates functions to compute
average, interest rates; use of IF function; create pie and bar charts
Ability to create a slide presentation
Understand basic layouts and use of graphics
Ability to create a simple relational database
Understand tables, relations, and queries
Ability to create a simple webpage
Understand HTML, CSS and simple Javascript
Week 1
Unit 1
Basic Work Processing & Email
Week 2
Unit 2
Intermediate Word Processing
Week 3
Unit 3
Graphics & Desktop Publishing
Week 4
Unit 4
Introduction to Spreadsheets
Week 5
Unit 5
Excel Functions & Database Features
Week 6
Unit 6
Excel Charts
Week 7
Unit 7
Creating PowerPoint Presentations
Week 8
Unit 8
Introduction to Database Management Systems
Week 9
Unit 9 |
Creating Table Relationships in Access
Week 10
Unit 10 |
Importing External Data
Week 11
Unit 11 |
Sharing Data between Applications
Week 12
Unit 12 |
Basic HTML
Week 13
Unit 13 |
Basic Webpage Layout
Week 14
Unit 14 |
Integrating Multimedia
Week 15
Take-home Final Project
A 90%
10 HW/Labs...70% B 80%
C 70%
Final Exam...30% D 60%
D- 50%
F below 50%
Basic Computer Literacy: 5 Credit Hours
Donna Meyers on June 1, 2014
Approved by CEE/CS Department on June 1, 2014.
Effective Fall 2014